

UnHackable - About Us
UnHackable is developed by play4Tutorials. It is a small desktop app that generates random passwords to keep you safe on the Internet. Currently, I am the only person. Any contributions would be helpful and appreciated. Incase you want to contribute. Join our Discord, for more details. Anyways this page isn't about UnHackable or my Discord. It's about me. Well, there's nothing much to say. I have two other apps on my GitHub, which are not very good and are no longer being developed anymore. However I am putting all my effort into UnHackable. A very short dexcription for a developer, but I have nothing more to say. In the future probably I'll try to bring UnHackable to macOS and Linux as well. But that's future. Anyways thank you for visiting here. And incase you haven't downloaded UnHackable, download it from here.

An Embedded version of the UnHackable GitHub Repository can be found below:

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