

UnHackable - Changelog



  1. 1. Now Saved Passwords can be opened through Menu Bar.
  2. 2. New Font (Roboto).
  3. 3. Easter Egg place has been changed a little bit.
  4. Bug Fixes:
  5. 1. Fixed Issues with Stylesheet.
  6. 2. Fixed Background Color Issues.
  7. 3. Fixed Button Styling Issues
  8. 4. Increased Window Spawn Area


  1. 1. Password is automatically copied to clipboard when any no. of characters or generate random password button is clicked
  2. Bug Fixes:
  3. 1. Fixed issue #3
  4. 2. Top Title is now perfectly centered and text has been changed
  5. 3. New Icon
  6. 4. Now Passwords are saved as a .unhk file instead of .txt. A bit more secure
  7. 5. Fixed that 16 character passwords are no longer cut out of the box

v3.0.0 -

  1. 1. Now the password which is generated can be saved as a ".txt" file.
  2. 2. Now no of characters to be generated can be selected ranging from 4 - 16
  3. 3. Added a Easter Egg, try to find it!
  4. Bug Fixes:
  5. 1. Icon for the app has been brought back
  6. 2. Fixed a bug that saved a blank file when cancel is selected in the File Save Dialog
  7. 3. Fixed that the Generate Random Password button was not perfectly aligned

v2.0.0 -

  1. 1. Added button to that generates random password everytime you click it
  2. 2. Lot more colorful and sophisticated window
  3. 3. New Menu Bar
  4. 4. Shortcuts: Ctrl + G, Ctrl + A, Ctrl + Q
  5. 5. Stability Improvements
  6. 6. One thing lost in this update: App icons

v1.1.0 -

  1. 1. Initial Release